Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How cold is it?

Apparently the cold temperature has dramatic effects on all forms of digital communications.

It was soo cold yesterday that my Comcast service was dorked up for the entire day.  I got home from work to find that my Internet was working at the pace of The Slowskys.  Then I find out that the television was just as messed up.  One channel worked, the next one didn't.  Every once and a while I found one channel that had some form of snow pattern and inaudible message, which did not lend itself nicely to watching television.

It was soo cold yesterday that my Verizon service was also jacked up.  I got a phone call in the evening that I did not get to in time.  I figured the person would leave a voicemail, but time past and no beep.  It wasn't until this morning that the voicemail registered on my phone. Maybe all the people that come with the network didn't want to leave their homes to deliver my voicemail because it was soo damn cold.  Hopefully, today will be better.

Please share with me your cold weather horror stories over the last couple of days (please leave out the obviously "I'm super cold").  Did I mention we're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave?  Oh, different day, sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, Peaceful New Year everyone.