Saturday, January 3, 2009

Are the holidays over with yet?

Just as I was thinking that the holidays had come to an end, I was reminded by all the horrible drivers that this was just not true.

Now I know that driving during the holiday time can be stressful and that more people are driving on the local roads, but this is part of the reason why I stay off of the roads during this time of year.  I've learned to stay away from all shopping centers and the mall in the weeks leading up to Christmas.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the horrible driving would continue well past Christmas.

My three beefs:

1.  I understand the joy and triumph felt when changing lanes at a stop light to get into the shortest lane, but I don't understand the idea behind doing this with only one car at the stop light.  Today, I saw someone pull up to a light that had only one car at it and they obviously didn't like being behind the lone car so they changed over to an empty lane.  What is gained from this and how much further ahead does one get when they do this?

2.  Yesterday driving from Snowden River Parkway to Rte 29 on Brokenland Parkway, I saw a women change lanes at least five times.  This distance can't be more than a couple of miles and she was changing lanes like it was going out of style.  She wasn't speeding and she wasn't really getting ahead of any cars, she was just changing lanes for the hell of it.  I don't understand people sometimes.

3.  Finally, my biggest beef of them all.  It is apparent that people can't read while they drive.  This is evident when you are pulling into the Columbia Mall.  Most people when pulling into the mall don't even see the sign that says "Incoming Traffic Has The Right Of Way" and they stop like there is a stop sign.  Now, I guess I can understand it if you are new the area or you haven't been to the Columbia Mall before, but what I don't understand is that most malls are setup like this.  Wouldn't you think that people would eventually get this concept and not stop as they are entering the mall.

There, I'm done, no more holiday traffic venting (well, until next year maybe).  Hope everyone had a good holiday season.  I'm back to posting full-time now so I better get busy and prepare some ideas for the upcoming year.

Peace out holiday traffic!!!

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