Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Relaunch, again and again and maybe again again!

So, I've been doing a lot of thinking about this blog and the fact that I don't blog anymore.  I still feel this compelling need to blog.  In all honesty I decided that I don't necessarily know enough about Columbia, to pull off a Columbia specific blog.

With that in mind I think I need a short and sweet blog (quick posts) about things that most people wouldn't consider or talk about.  Kinda of in a Seinfeldian way (a show about nothing).  In any case, I have a couple of ideas and I need to make my postings short.  I also think I need to make my positions more interactive.

Now, to come up with a new name and a new blog site.  I'll let you know when it happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:-) I started my blog -- that still carries the URL -- as a community blog. I think about a year in, I decided I just wanted to blog about what I wanted to blog about. I didn't care any longer for my self-imposed restriction of being a community blogger. So, now, I just blog. And it's a lot easier and more enjoyable.

Best to you, as you wend your way along the dynamic path of blogging. And, if you feel so inclined, join us at the hocoblogs parties now and again. @hocoblogs on twitter. Or find us on