Saturday, December 6, 2008

NIMBY and the Neighbors

It's no surprise to find that most people in Columbia are big fans of the idea "Not In My Backyard" (NIMBY).  Most often you will find Columbians complaining about urbanization and new businesses coming into the area.  You will hear them say things like "new businesses will create too much congestion on already overly congested roadways".  Unfortunately, the idea of NIMBY has now gone to the dogs.

It's now not enough for dog owners to keep their pets on leashes at all times and to pick up after their dogs when they do their business.  Columbians have taken it one step further and are requesting that no dogs shall defecate in their backyards.

Don't get me wrong, I too don't like finding doggy doo in my yard, especially when I'm mowing the lawn.  However, is it more unsightly to find real doggy doo in your yard or seeing a mockup of a dog defecating everyday?  You have to admit the sign gets the point across, but at what cost?  Also, where is it that you purchase signs like this?  In this case, has NIMBY gone too far?


Heathervey said...

I think dog dooo is a different story! It is disgusting and people should take ownership of there dog and pick up after them. If it is a $1000 dollar fine for litter that should be the same thing. It smells and is discusting to look at. I would NOT want that in my back yard at all.. So the sign is a good idea! It's small and not bothering anyone just, like you said, getting the point across!

Almost Sooted said...

I should have provided you with the whole story. These people have not one, but three of these signs in their yard. While it's a neat idea for a sign, I still don't know if I like it.

Anonymous said...

When my kids were little we lived in a city row home with a tiny grassy front yard.

After going out to plant tulips one day, my 4 year old and I went back into the house with a new and revolting odor.

My little one had picked up someone else's dog poop on her shoes and brought it into the house. This is what happens when people don't clean up after their pets. (I have two dogs now, love dogs)

But, EECH.

Mrs. IbStarC said...

I could probably make some of those signs for you pretty easily...
Maybe we could also do pooping cat signs since, in my opinion, cat poop smell is far more offensive than dog poop. Then, you can sell them at the local swap meet on the weekends to old people who have nothing better to do than sit and think of things to bitch about.

Almost Sooted said...

What is a swap meet, this is Maryland for heavens' sake? We don't do swap meets, that's for the rif raf, around here it's called a Farmer's Market.

Almost Sooted said...
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