Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Choosing Civility, one more time

I've been itching to post some more thoughts and feelings on "Choose Civility", but then I think of all the linking and leg work that I'll have to do for the post.  After this I just get lazy and don't post anything, as obvious as my lack of posting for days.  Anyway, with no links and no real substance I just have to post what I've seen lately about "Choose Civility".

Apparently the "Choose Civility" initiative is moving into Phase 2 operations.  I'm not sure what Phase 2 means, but hopefully they figure out that associating civility with driving is just not going to cut it.  Ken Ulman (I think I have the spelling right, hell I don't even know who he is, other than some HoCo exec.), recently commented on the fact that the "Choose Civility" campaign has cause some to created the spin-offs "Choose Senility" and "Choose Hostility" and he proclaimed that these spin-offs should be viewed as compliments to the campaign.

Wow, I beg to differ, especially the "Choose Hostility" spin-off.  These spin-offs are in no way a form of flattery.  In fact, I would view them as a means of highlighting how much of a mockery the "Choose Civility" campaign really is.  I mean come on, everyone and I mean everyone sees the "Choose Civility" bumper magnets and immediately associates it with the act of driving.  Then they view the individual with the bumper magnet driving like a jackass and proclaim that this person in no way is civil.  The campaign, as far as I can tell, in no way is meant to be associated with civil driving.  It would be a great by-product, but "we got a long way to go, baby" when it comes to being a more civil HoCo.

Civility conjures up a sense of being responsible for ones actions.  This is America, are you kidding me, we gave up responsibility a long time ago.  I applaud the individuals that do take the campaign seriously and I applaud the individuals that are responsible for their own actions, but a more civil, a more responsible America isn't going to happen overnight or by me placing a bumper magnet on my car proclaiming my Civility.

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