Thursday, February 19, 2009

What is going on here?

Eck!!!  Sorry all for not posting more regularly, damn life gets in the way too often.  Hopefully, I can be more attentive with this blog by trying to blog on a more regular basis.  Now, onto the real business at hand.

What is going on in this world?  I can't seem to figure it out.  I mean I understand that the economy is in the tank, the world is collapsing around us, and the republicans are already calling for President Obama's head.  What I don't get is what the heck is happening in my community?  Just over a couple of weeks ago only two houses in my neighborhood were for sale.  Now all of a sudden, we have six houses on the market in my neighborhood.  What is taking place here?  I can't put my finger on it.

I would have guessed that anyone in the Bush administration or party would have skipped town by now and I really don't think these families are in dire straights on their home mortgages.  I also suppose that maybe they think time is on their side and they might as well get their houses on the market and let them sit for a while in the hopes of selling sometime in the next year or two.  I give them mad props for trying to sell their homes during our current recession, but I haven't seen this many homes on the market in my neighborhood since the peak of the housing market about five years ago.

The other thing that I don't understand is that surprisingly there are people looking for homes in my neighborhood.  Almost every weekend we get more than our fair share of onlookers driving around to see the houses that are for sale.  Unfortunately, they are just looking, as none of the houses have moved off the market yet.

I just don't get it, I'm totally perplexed.

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