Hurraaayyy! It's Thursday, it must be Shameless Plug Day once again. Okay, okay, I won't make every Thursday Shameless Plug Day, but it must happen today.
I've been quite impressed with the traffic that is occurring on this blog. I have a core group of friends that visit the site and I have some complete strangers that are visiting, as well as commenting. A pat on the back, it's cool to know that people want to read what I have to say.
Unfortunately, I can't say the same about my
Flickr group
Suburban Life in Columbia. A few people are contributing to the group (my campaign to prove artistic people can live in the 'burbs), but overall membership is low. I guess I haven't really figured out how to get more people to check out the group, to join the group, and to ultimately post photos to the group. To those of you that are posting to the group, keep it up, you are doing a wonderful job.
So, Columbians (you know who you are), I'm urging you, I'm imploring you to get out and be creative! For those of you that don't live in Columbia, you should also get out and do something creative. I know, you are saying, "I'm not be interested in photography", but that doesn't mean that you can't be creative. So, get out there, do something creative and if it is not a photo, at least take the time to comment to this post and let me know what you did that was creative. You can do it, I have faith.
A helping hand:
- Use your cell phone camera to take photos of your surroundings
- Make a snowman (should you have snow in your area)
- Make cacti people for your Manger Scene (just for you Mrs. IbStarC, is this sacrilegious?)
- Bake some Christmas cookies